30th Oct 2015
Happy Howl-oween
Have a safe and happy Howl-oween! It's always a fun holiday but it can be especially scary for some pups. A few Halloween tips for your pup and you to remember this year:
1. KEEP CANDY OUT OF REACH - No Candy, especially No Chocolate.
2. WATCH OUT FOR DECORATIONS - Don't leave decorations where they can be chewed.
3. NEVER LEAVE PET IN A COSTUME - Never leave a dog unsupervised in costume. If uncomfortable take it off.
4. KEEP YOUR DOG INDOORS - Sometimes the best place is the quietest, especially if your dog is scared.
5. MAKE SURE YOUR PET IS SECURED - If you go out keep your pup on a short leash. URBANwalk'r is perfect.
6. KEEP ANXIETY UNDER CONTROL - If your pup is scared find a quiet room, crate or safe place in your house where they can feel secure.
Have fun and be safe out there this year!